Prom Services
Visible Memories Videography is based in Suffolk UK and covers surrounding area, so do contact us for more information of School and College prom videography services. We understand how important your prom is and we will always take the time to discuss your wishes prior to the actual day.
We have vast experience of handling proms of various ages. We are increasingly seeing that some students will take part in two or three prom whilst in the education system, and a Visible Memories Video or DVD is the perfect way for them you to look back at the various stages of thier school life. Looking back at your old class mate is something that will become priceless to them as they mature into an adult.
First things first though, take a look, view the samples and then contact us to check the date and let us record your prom, so you can keep it forever
As each Prom is unique both in location, duration and number in attendance, we cannot provide any typical prices.
However, please contact us to arrange a consultation. Your Prom is important to us, we will quickly provide you with a tailored quote that will state the actual costs without any hidden surprises.
Contact Us For More Information